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Equity Now & Beyond Accomplishments

EN&B Accomplishments over the past year
  • Vaccinated over 4,100 community members.
  • Produced and distributed an immigrant youth video/PSA on the importance of getting the vaccine – see video here
  • Educated over 60,000 community members in their native languages on Covid and the vaccine via weekly Facebook Live, WhatsApp, radio and television programs, community and congregational presentations, and other venues.
  • Distributed over 4,600 PPE kits
  • Combined vaccine clinics with education and support around worker rights, housing resources, immigration counseling, on-site voter registration and enrollment in health insurance
  • Launched a community-led participatory action research project that is identifying the gaps that exist between health care providers and immigrants, the resources that immigrant communities offer that could strengthen health equity in Boston, and strategies to address the Covid pandemic and others that may arise in the future. Research results will be released at the end of 2021.

See our comprehensive EN&B report here 

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